Simple Altitude

Reset Info
- m
Altitude Accuracy: - m
Delta: - m

Saved Altitude: - m
Time: -

GPS Signal Accuracy [m]: -

No guarantee for accuracy of displayed information. Use at your own risk.

Simple Altitude



Simple Altitude shows the height of the position above the mean sea level in meters or feet (measured via GPS, integer rounded). You can save an altitude and show the delta (difference) to your current altitude. Please read Important Saving Issues to prevent data loss.

Important: If GPS signal is too low just wait a few seconds. If GPS signal is still too low (e.g. in a building) try to get a better signal outside, press Reset and try again. For some devices, the altitude is not supported at all.

This Software is provided 'as is', without warranty of any kind. Use at your own risk. For details see Terms of Use (License).




Open Source Licenses